showing 13 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
Call of Duty 3  Activision (Treyarch)2006 20thcentury aaa callofduty demonware firstpersonshooter militantprotagonist militaryfiction naturalistic riflegrenades worldwar2 labelimageminimize
Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII  Ubisoft Entertainment SA (Ubisoft Romania)2006 20thcentury worldwar2 labelimagesubject
Medal of Honor: Airborne  EA Los Angeles (Electronic Arts)2007 1940s 20thcentury firstpersonshooter fullbodyawareness kynapse medalofhonor naturalistic openal parachuting physx tommygun unrealengine3 worldwar2 labelimageminimize
The History Channel: Battle for the Pacific Activision Value (Cauldron)2007 1940s 20thcentury budget firstpersonshooter historytv worldwar2 labelminimizeminimize
1942: Joint Strike  Capcom (Backbone Entertainment)2008 1940s 194x-series 20thcentury militantprotagonist noautofire psstore rating-esrb-e10 scrollingshooter worldwar2 labelimagesubject
Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway  Ubisoft (Gearbox Software)2008 1940s 20thcentury aaa brothersinarms-series firstpersonshooter naturalistic oneofmany physx tactical unrealengine3 uvl-missingimages worldwar2 labelimageminimize
Call of Duty: World at War  Activision Blizzard (Treyarch)2008 1940s 20thcentury aaa accuracy-motion accuracy-turning aimmode ammomagazines assaultrifles callofduty capacity-toolslots city city-berlin-de controllablehelplessness damageindicator damageovertime distortedvision driving dynamicaccuracy firearms firstpersonshooter flamethrowers fofindicator forest fullscreen germany gore grenadecooking grenaderethrow grenades grenadewarning handguns healthregen healthregen-fast healthwarning hillland hud-dynamic incendiarygrenades invisiblewalls ironsights island iwengine japan jumping killingblow knives leaning limitedcapacity lipsync machineguns meleeweapons militantprotagonist militaryfiction mountedweapons mp-cooperative mp-survival multilingual naturalistic nohealthdisplay nplayers oneofmany overheating pain postures precisionrifles rating-esrb-m resuscitation riflegrenades rockets rural serious shotguns singlegender smokegrenades speech-german speech-japanese splatter submachineguns tank tanks telescope thermalweapons thickvegetation title-static trampling trivialobstacles tropic uvl-missingimages vaulting voicechat walking war worldwar2 labelimageminimize
Wolfenstein Activision (Raven Software;Id Software)2009 assaultrifles castle dimensionaltravel energyweapons firearms firstpersonshooter magic militaryfiction nazis occult parallelreality past planarshifting sciencefantasy shopping sorcery specialagentprotagonist teslacoils wolfenstein worldwar2 labelimagesubject
Heroes Over Europe Ubisoft (Transmission Games)2009 europe war worldwar worldwar2 labelimagesubject
The Saboteur Electronic Arts (Pandemic Studios)2009 20thcentury aimmode alarmers bink bombs brothel capacity-toolslots city city-paris-fr controlconfig cpplanguage damageindicator difficulty disguising drifting driving earth engineerprotagonist europe facefx falldamage firearms france grenades gtalike guerrilla handguns healthregen healthregen-fast hideout historicalfiction holstering indicator-route itempickup-auto itempickup-instant ladders ledges limitedcapacity lua mlaa multilingual naturalistic nazis netframework nudity objectiveindicator openworld precisionrifles rebellion rebelprotagonist revenge rockets rural sequence-escape sexindustry speech-french speech-german ssao stealth submachineguns swimming tommygun town trampling tutorial unarmedfighting vaulting walking wallclimbing wallhugging war worldwar2 labelimagesubject
Call of Duty Classic Activision (Infinity Ward)2009 1940s callofduty firstpersonshooter psstore worldwar2 labelminimizeminimize
R.U.S.E  Ubisoft (Eugen Systems)2010 africa artillery basebuilding deception diorama diorama-living encyclopedia europe france germany infantry infinitezoom iriszoom italy militantprotagonist netherlands npcfleeing radarjammers radarscramblers recruiting resourcegeneration resourceharvesting serious supportpowers tanks thoroughfares turrets uplay war warfare-air warfare-information warfare-land warfare-sea wargame weaponsplatforms worldwar2 zoom labelimageminimize
Wolfenstein: The New Order Bethesda Softworks (MachineGames)2014 1940s 1960s aimassist aimmode alternatetimeline amnesia assaultrifles backstabbing city city-london-uk collectibles columnarjointing depthoffield difficulty difficulty-mockery distortedvision dualwielding earth firearms firstpersonshooter germany handguns healthregen healthregen-stunted hideout idtech5 insaneasylum interactivetriggers lensflare machineguns militarybase nazis overheal prison recoil researchfacility screenstaining splatter ssao superscience wolfenstein worldwar2 labelimagesubject